What is Sixes Lacrosse? | Lax.com Fall Ball 2021 - Lax.com

What is Sixes Lacrosse? | Lax.com Fall Ball 2021

Its the newest way to play the fastest game on two feet but with more and more people playing Sixes style lacrosse , many are asking: What is Sixes? at the 2021 USA Lacrosse Super Sixes event, Lax.com asked some of the games brightest minds and players what they think of this style and the strategy that goes into it.
Its the newest way to play the fastest game on two feet but with more and more people playing Sixes style lacrosse , many are asking: What is Sixes? at the 2021 USA Lacrosse Super Sixes event, Lax.com asked some of the games brightest minds and players what they think of this style and the strategy that goes into it.

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